The respiratory disorder – What Your Body Goes Through

The respiratory disorder – What Your Body Goes Through

The flu is caused by one of many strains of the influenza virus, the common cold is caused by a completely different virus, the rhinovirus. The symptoms of the common cold include an overall feeling of being unwell, mild headache, congestion, sore throat, coughing and at times, a low-grade fever. The rhinovirus spread thorough the population the same way the flu virus spreads, through infected respiratory secretions being expelled into the air. This means that every time someone who is infected sneezes or coughs into their hand, they can spread the virus to the next person or thing they touch.

When you touch an item that has been infected and then touch your nose, eyes, or mouth, you contract the virus. This can be true if you touch any item that has not been sanitized since it was touched by an infected person. While the virus is typically contracted by touching something that has been infected, it can also be spread by an infected person sneezing into the air.

It becomes easier to catch the cold virus, when their immune system is low. By not taking care of their immune system, you can put yourself at risk for developing a higher viral load before symptoms develop, making you sicker than you normally would have been if your immune system was functioning at maximum capacity. This can be affected by a large number of factors in a person’s life.

Factors That Compromise Immune Health
The primary factor that can affect a person’s immune system, and its ability to fight off the cold virus, is a preexisting medical condition. Conditions that pose the most risk are asthma, diabetes, heart disease, HIV, and AIDS.

A secondary factor is the amount of rest a person gets. If a person does not get enough rest, their body is not able to regenerate itself from the damage caused by the previous day. The immune system becomes depressed, and fighting off illness, viruses, and bacterial infections becomes more difficult. The body is also less capable of filtering out and eliminating environmental toxins and waste.

Consuming sugar can significantly depress the immune system as much as not getting enough nutrients. Consuming simple sugars can decrease the effectiveness of the immune system for up to six hours after consumption has stopped.

By ensuring that proper nutrition is obtained and all vitamins, minerals, and dietary needs have been met. Without meeting the basic criteria of nutrition, the human body sufferers overall poor nutrition.

The Rhinovirus and the Human Body
The University of Calgary scientists in Canada were able to confirm in 2008 that the rhinovirus does not cause symptoms. The symptoms experienced are caused by the body’s response to the virus being present. There are more than 100 strains of the rhinovirus, all of which can cause the common cold.  However, the human right of virus is the major cause. Research studies published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine was the first-time scientists collaboratively reviewed genetic changes in the common cold virus.

The rhinovirus is a significant cause of developing the common cold, it is also an important pathogen that causes asthma and COPD. For example, researchers have determined that children who suffer from the rhinovirus, and who suffer from wheezing episodes related to it in early life, are the same children who are most likely to develop asthma at some point in their life.

Symptoms of the Rhinovirus
Symptoms of the rhinovirus appear between one to three days after coming into contact with the virus. The first symptom is typically the feeling of burning in the throat or the nose. Shortly after this symptom appears, sufferers develop runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. Initially, the nasal secretions look like sandy water. However, as the virus progresses, sufferers become more sick and the mucus becomes darker. It used to be thought that dark colored mucus, or yellowish mucus meant that a bacterial infection had developed. However, research has proven this is not the case.

Some people with the rhinovirus develop a moderate cough, and patients who have asthma may suddenly find they have less control over their symptoms. The majority of cases do not present with a fever. However, some cases do develop a low-grade fever, usually less than 100 degrees F. The symptoms typically fade away over the first three days, and congestion is typically gone after one week.

During the initial three days of a cold, the affected person is contagious. It is best to avoid going out to prevent spreading the virus to others. There are some cases where a cold progresses into something more, most cases where a cold progresses into more, the result is a sinus infection. Visiting a doctor and having nasal swabs tested can determine exactly what illness you have. Other conditions that may develop out of a common cold include bronchitis, ear infection, pneumonia, sinusitis, or worsening asthma symptoms.

In children, colds are typically a precursor to an ear infection. This is because during a cold, fluid drainage can seep behind the eardrum and make it more likely that they could develop a bacterial infection.

In the scope of things, prevention of a cold is a lot easier than suffering through one. You can reduce your risk of developing a cold by avoiding second hand smoke and unnecessary antibiotics. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and get at least eight hours of rest each day. Eating yogurt can also help prevent contracting the rhinovirus. Make sure to wash your hands frequently throughout the day to get rid of any unwanted bacteria and viruses that you have come into contact.

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